Department of Elders

Meeting the Spiritual Needs of the Church Members

The heart of what we do is to serve God by caring for the spiritual needs of our members and those in the community.

This shall include:

  • prepare the elements and service communion on the first Sunday of every mohth,
  • assist Pastor Nathan as he cares for our members, and
  • meet with and welcome new members.

The work of the elders is visible during the first worship service of each month, and on special days as they spiritually serve worshipers the sacrament of communion. They enjoy serving our bodies on Ash Wednesday as they prepare their homemade soups for us in a humble meal prior to the worship service.

Your Elders are available to you with just a phone call. Let us know what your needs are. Would you like a phone call or a visit? We want to be available when there is a need.

Harold Eick 715-385-2173

Dick Govier 608-448-1966

Lynn Keating 501-580-0623

Duane Marquardt 715-385-2720

Bonnie Pollard 715-588-7244

Jim Stober 262-844-6778

Shelby Tallroth 715-605-2665

Lorine Walters 715-686-2725