Church in Winter

Upcoming Events

Operation Christmas Child Packing Party

Thursday November 14th 9am - 2pm.

Community Thanksgiving Potluck

Wednesday November 20, 5:30PM

At the Boulder Junction Community Center

Scholarship opportunity for Post-Secondary Students

Deadline by November 30th

Pastor Nathan Keisler
Pastor Nathan Keisler

Share your time! Share your talents! Share your blessings!
Fellowship - Contact Betty Clough at 715-385-9215 for more information.

There are many ways to bless our worship services. Click here to see an opportunity that might interest you.

Provide altar flowers or bouquets in memory or honor of a loved one. Contact Laurie at 715-385-2146 to sign up.

Looking for ways to have fun in the northwoods? Check out the event calendars in our area.

Boulder Junction

Manitowish Waters

Presque Isle

Sayner-Star Lake

St. Germain